
Survived Hurricane Sandy

A few days without power (knew nothing) and a few truckloads loaded of broken branches and debris.  No trees down (costly) . . . yet, ground is still wet.
No school for two days. ds was delighted.
Cell phones were not working well during all of this.
At least it was 60-65 degrees F out, quite comfortable compared to last year's Halloween Blizzard and how cold it was brrrrrr.

UNH cancelled classes for two days.
We drove dd back to her university Sunday and we went through low dark black clouds and rain only to find the sun shining bright 2 hours away north.  

Later, dd said one of the high rise dorms at her university lost power Monday but then the entire campus lost power 12 am Tuesday. Classes were cancelled on Monday.

Trick or Treat was moved to Sunday night than Tuesday but no trick or treaters here due to the whipping winds.  First year we did not put out decorations because of the storm.

Hoping every thing is ok with everyone.


  1. Random, but do you still deal with tblog at all? I need some serious help regarding that site and everyone seems to have abandoned it, moderator wise. :/

    1. Yes, I post there on other blogs but I have moved my blog here because of issues. I have no idea who the admins are now that it was "sold". It states in the fine print you use the site at your own risk. What sort of help do you need? Send me a tmail from there.

  2. True at the own risk thing. I have an old blog from years back when tblog first started that I haven't used since roughly that time. Just came to my attention that it's still active (not in use) but I don't have access to it anymore, nor the email I used when signing up for the service so unfortunately I can't tmail you from it. I've been searching everywhere on who to contact to get it removed. I've even gone as far as contacting GoDaddy since they're the registrar but they said I have to try to find a way to contact someone with moderator permissions.
