
Yard Sailing

It was the big church sale yesterday!
We were a bit slow getting out.

We were thinking of not going but we went anyways.
Maybe we should have thought deeper and not have gone.

The Hubster got stopped by a motorcycle police for what may or may not have been a full stop.
Evidently, there are many new stop signs in town now since they have put up new buildings (looks more city like than country like).  He was let go with no warning or citation.

After we parked, we were walking toward the sale when I stepped on a crack and down (very fast) I went, right on my face.
What a mess! Bloody nose, scraps, scratches, bruises.  I had to lie on the front lawn of a fraternity house while waiting for my nose to stop bleeding.

We went to the sale anyways and spent $4.00. then went home.
I am recovering, it could have been worse, broken nose, bones or lost teeth.


  1. Zowie. I missed this. You back up to snuff?

  2. Hi Surrogate, thanks for stopping by. Yes I have pretty much recovered but a few things will be lingering for another few months.

    Happy New Year!
