
Valentine's Day Fiasco

Tuesday night another storm, snow that turned to rain, lots of slush, then ice.

There was no school on Wednesday and my son was absolutely delighted.
He played on his Gameboy, on the computer, watched The Beverly Hillbillies.
We did his Valentines then studied for the spelling test.

Today he was the first up (very early I might add).
He came into our room around 6:15 am or so and told us there was a two hour delay.
Good. We slept in being tired from shovelling slush and I was outside in the freezing cold at 2 am with the dogs because they just had to go out at that time.

Then we hear our daughter upset that no one woke her up on time! (An amazing complaint!)
While still in bed under the warm toasty covers, I told her that there was a two hour delay.
My husband got up and checked the ticker on the TV and my daughter checked her computer.
Both discovered that there was NO two hour delay as my son said he heard and saw on the news.

Everyone was scrambling around -- in particular my husband and daughter because she was going to be late for school however, my son would not be late to his dismay.

My daughter suggested that my son be banished from the house.
Not unusual.
My son when he was five wanted to know if his sister could be "kicked out of the family" and suggested how we should do this was to open the front door and give her the boot onto the front lawn and shut and lock the door behind us.

Such wishful thinking on all accounts.
I should be so lucky to witness these sibling skirmishes.

Happy Valentine's Day -- may you feel the love too.

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