
The Cookie Caper and Catastrophe

Last night, at a small Valentine family ceremony, I gave the children their cards with some money.

And of course and naturally, for some strange reason, my daughter recalled this little tidbit about her younger brother.

Time frame: First Grade
Situation: Students were asked to donate money for winter items for the needy.
I told my son (first grader at the time) to select money from his "account" to donate.
He decided a dollar was enough from his limited funds.
As he leaves for school, I remind him to donate it as soon as he gets there.

When he came home from his bus stop walk, he had chocolate all over his face.
I asked him if he donated his dollar.
He stopped short and was speechless, he did not offer an answer.

Then it came out. Arianna, the girl who still to this day is madly in love with him, swiped the dollar out of his hand and bossily suggested that they spend the dollar and buy a bag of homemade double chocolate chip cookies (also an afterschool fundraiser for another purpose).

So it was done, she spent his donation, and they split the goodies between the two of them.
Yes, and the chocolate evidence on his face said he enjoyed every last bit!
It was all her idea and her fault he did not have the dollar.

I asked why he did not donate the money in the morning when they collect.
No answer to that.

So I ask about this at school and they investigate only to find out that my son was so proud of his dollar and he was showing it off in the bus line when evidently the cookie ploy was concocted and carried out while waiting for the bus.

The next day, I told him he had to donate twice the amount to the needy people.
Naturally he cried like I was telling him to rob the bank.

Well, that is the way the cookie crumbles I told him and reminded him of how delicious his treat was the day before.

My son did not like my daughter dregging up this little piece of "naughty business history".

Such is life.

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