
The Secret

Another Oprah show but this was like an infomercial.

Oprah had a guest panel on taking about "The Secret" -- a book and DVD combination that if followed, can increase the potential of your inner self's spirit and reward you with a better quality life once you commit to learning "The Secret" and practicing it. The panel consisted of the authoress Rhonda Byrne, James Arthur Ray, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, and Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith.

The basic concept is "like attracts like" and get to know yourself well and love who you are first and celebrate your uniqueness.

"Like attracts like" -- how many of your friends are like you, you identify with that. Look at how many people go looking for trouble and find it! How many people find themselves in the same kind of relationships over and over again and complain -- they need to take a good look at themselves under a microscope and make some changes.

If a person is pleasant to you, usually you recipricate the feeling back to them. So approach something with a positive attitude.

Don't think a mistake is a mistake, many good things can come from it, like what you learned or how to do it better the next time. There is always a silver lining! You need to take a good look.

Whatever you are, whatever state you are in, that is what you will attract back to you.

If you want changes in your life, a transformation, know yourself and all your pluses and minusis, and love yourself first, know what you will or will not tolerate, and stick to your beliefs and goals.
You control your destiny. You are the captain of your ship.

Once you know this, set your thoughts into actions, then how can you serve the world, what good can you do for society? Sharing with others often rewards you in so many ways!

Basically, that is what they were saying. I did not hear of this book/dvd till today, so I guess I should go out and seek that knowledge by reading The Secret, it might come in handy.

Oprah's Site -- search for show "The Secret" for more information.

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