

What's new at "Windsor Upon Weeds", my castle, my home?

1. The children have had a few big projects due at school so we have been working on those.

2. Spring is coming! We still have some snow, and it is still cold, but in a few weeks, spring will be here and so will all the pesky black flies. I can't wait to go out and plant things. Not to sure about the lawn though or what we are going to do. (Washed away twice, burnt by scorching heat, and then the grubs ate the new lawn). Hopefully we are planting three Indian Bean (catalpa) trees, they tolerate just about anything, plus we need tall trees because we need the height to match the house and we need shade. I am tired of oven conditions (all day sun exposure) come summer.

3. Today it was warm out so I was able to clean and organize some in the attic over the garage. What ever the temperature is outside, it is the same there making it difficult to do anything at times, especially if we have continuous cold days.

4. No joke, but on April 1st, my husband moved the fake Christmas tree from the livingroom to the proper storage area. Since we had so much snow, we could not move it back till we had enough melted to make it a safe move (ice, hill, deep snow prevented access). It was nice while it lasted though. I sort of miss it. LOL.

5. I have been spring cleaning! I also started a blog for my neighborhood and we are planning a neighborhood yardsale. Most think this is quite nifty.I included lots of town/area resources also. Most people did not know some of this info.
Well that is life in the sticks for you. At times, you have no idea. Yes, the computer keeps me connected to the world.

6. I think the Bichons need a make-over.

It has been a long winter.

Well that is a quick report from my castle.

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