
The Talent Show

My son came home from school with a permission slip for auditioning for the annual talent show.

He begged me to sign it so he could return it.

I asked what his talent was and he said he wanted to dress up as an old man, his character he created, "Mr. Jenkins" and tell a few jokes. He does similiar performances out on the playground because the other children tell me how funny he is as the "old man". He tells me how they laugh.

So I took him to the audition. He wore a gray wig and had a cane. He waddled onto the stage platform exclaiming in a gruff voice as he walked "oh, my aching back", then told his jokes. At the end he then pretended to fall asleep, woke up and said it was time for his nap and shuffled off the stage.

The audience laughed at anything he did. The other children thought he looked so "cool".
He is in the show as he got a participation notice.

The show is in a few weeks so he has to rehearse and perfect his act.

I think I am going to have to get him an agent.

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