Today (5/15) Dr. Oz gave the Oprah's audience and all viewers a health quiz.
Here is a synopsis (the third one on Dr. Oz's Guest Appearances) of today's show by my notes.
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1. Poop should be S-shaped and slid out. Anything odd should be reported to your doctor for further analysis.
2. You should get 25 grams of fiber every day. Dr. Oz says most Americans only get 10 grams.
Fiber will help give you the S-shaped poop. Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat pasta, peas, lentils, legumes, a large handful of walnuts, and oatmeal are great fiber foods.
Increase your water intake with an increase of fiber in your diet.
More fiber means healthier you and helps with lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and helps prevent diabetes.
3. If you drink enough water per day, your urine should be clear, so clear you can read through it.
Some foods may make urine darker or have an odor to it. Drink enough fluids to help digest your food, and wash out toxins.
4. The most dangerous fat on your body is in the belly area. Your omentum stores fat.
Dr. Oz says that for every 35 pounds a man loses he gains an inch on his pen-is however, that inch tapers off and it depends on the person and weight loss.
5. What are flavonoids and where do you find them? They are found in food and contain antioxidants.
6. What are the best foods to slow down your biological body clock? Bananas. Keep in mind that salt in processed foods is about 90% so cut down on these.
7. Your blood pressure is the most important number to know. 120/80 and under is best. Elevated blood pressure takes years off your life.
8. Dr. Oz showed a graphic of himself (shirtless again) aging -- one picture was that of himself who took care of his mind and body through diet and exercise, and the other if he did not. He mentioned how the body as we age shrinks.
9. Impotence is caused by heart disease. Keep nitrate oxides in your diet. (Viagra is a nitrate oxide drug.)
10. Heart attacks happen on Monday mornings due to a time of change and stress (like going to work).
11. A viewer asked how to take care of a jellyfish sting? Wash with salt water and poor vinegar on it. Acidic urine would work also but it needs to be acidic so vinegar is a more reliable product.
12. Having regular sex, 200 times a year, can reduce your physiological age an average of six (6) years. The average amount of sex was 58 times a year, well below that 200 times mark.
13. Another view asked about how to remove a tick a safely and quickly.
Pluck it out using tweezers, just flip the tick and pull it out.
14. Another view wondered why mosquitoes liked to bite her but not her husband.
Genetics, diet, perfume, deodorant, and lotion (except Avon's Skin So Soft, they hate that), call out to a mosquito. Also, if you have a lot of body hair, this is good because the hair keeps the mosquitoes away. Dr. Oz said that chances are if you have lots of body hair, your ancestors come from a country where malaria was a prevalent disease.
15. Dr. Oz stopped off at a lab and brought a few good sized gall stones for show and tell. He said the large ones are not the problem, it is the small ones that can cause blockage in the pancreas and interrupt the flow of the body.
16. Another view asked about ice cream headaches or brain freeze. Dr. Oz explained it is the "arteries spazzing out" or dialating arteries that causes this. His remedy is to hold and press the tip of your tongue up against the roof of your mouth in back of your teeth to prevent this.
17. Guess the organ on the diagram: The spleen helps keep the immune system keep in check. It is common during a trauma that the spleen gets injured but bounces back quickly.
18. Many people wonder about losing their memory. He gave a quiz to see if you could remember 6 numbers he said without writing them down and then it was commercial break.
He explained it was common to forget things however Alzeheimers is then the chemical glue in our brain gets gunked up and when you cannot remember what something is or how to use it or cannot recall what the object is (usually someone else will notice this since you can't remember), then it is time to get a check up.
Stay Healthy!
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